Today at 5:21pm my cell phone rang. I took it out of my pocket to see who it was. It was a 801 area code. Must be Ashley, I thought. It was Ashley. She had some good news for me. She told me that I am getting a new nephew-in-law on
January 8
th. I am so happy for her and Andrew. Welcome to the family, Andrew.

This is a picture of Ashley and Andrew at her graduation from BYU in May.
karen we told you 5 minutes a go
get a life!!!!!!!
Hey..... we are all so excited!!! Thanks for posting so quickly and getting excited with us. It will be hard to focus on Christmas this year.... Keep January open until we have a firm date.
We will keep you updated.
McKenzie cracks me up! :)
I am so excited about this. How very wonderful. Can you believe I have never even met Andrew?? Do you have any more pictures of him?
I do remember a birthday party Brock had and invited Andrew's older brother to it. Andrew and his sister were just a month or 2 old. I could not tell you any of Brock's birthday presents through the years, but I do remember what Andrew's brother gave him that year (I can't even remember his brother's name!) Such a unique and wonderful gift. It was a box of homemade choc chip cookies in a box, all wrapped up.I remember thinking at the does a mother of newborn twins find time to bake cookies? I was obviously impressed...I'm still thinking about it how many years later?? Well however old Andrew is.
Karen, i like your fall wallpaper
How exciting!!! Congratulations!
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