Last Saturday, Tom went to donate blood. I went along to
document the event. I only have given blood once when I was 18 and I almost passed out. The man at the blood bank brought over smelling salts to me.

Here is Tom ready to go in and surrender his blood to the blood bank. How brave.

Would you enter and sign in please. He had to fill out a
questionnaire about all sorts of things.

Here he is in the chair getting his blood "sucked" out of him.
LOL What a trooper.
TADA! All done. 3 cheers for my brave man. What a guy.
What a great thing to do! I gave blood when I was in college and almost passed out. The nurse said my face was ghost-white...then my sight faded out for a minute until they laid me flat and gave me juice and a cookie.
I'm the same way. Can't do it. Pass out and sometimes I don't meet the minimum weight requirement. Too bad, I'm O and I think everyone can get blood from Os.
What a good man. Hurray for Tom!!!!
He is brave! I have never been able to give blood so I think it is very admirable for those who do. I love that you were able to go with him and document it all!
Ashley and Brooke are very dilligent about giving blood. Dave is not so good... he always gets light headed. I do fine some times and some times they tip my chair back and throw ice on me. I remeber Robin Groff walking past all the blood doners at the Stanford hospital and thanking them. With that picture in my mind it is easy for me to keep going back. Don't let an uncomfortable experience hold you back. Think of the people you will be helping. Way to go Tom!
I think it's so awesome when parents take their kids to give blood as soon as they're old enough. I worked for the blood bank taking blood pressures, and was so impressed with the dads who brought their sons in. Home training shows, i.e., Robin's girls. Fondly, Susan
way to be brave! I think i'm past 2 gallons thanks to my great employer doing blood drives here at work multiple times each year!
the juice and cookie is a bonus
It's not that big of a deal - the donating part. (I know it's a big deal to the recipient.)
Over the years I have donated many times prior to this one - I would say at least 20. Karen was just camera happy on this day.
Way to go Tom.
I love giving blood, i think it's fun.
Good job! I like to give blood. I received so much when I had Robyn that I feel like I need to give back. The blood bank likes me too -- I'm O positive. They are always calling me!!!!(Which IS a bit annoying.)
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