Well, Tom donates live saving blood and I donated things to D.I. Last Sunday when I was at church, I saw the donation truck was back in the parking lot. Needless to say I was excited. So, this Sunday Tom was able to go to church with me(a rare thing anymore). We(I) loaded up the backseat and we headed for the donation truck.

A view from one side of the car.

The view from the other side of the car. That is a "dead' doll in the gray bag.

Here is Tom putting the last bag in the truck. And NO all that stuff in there is not ours. But the Casual Corner bag, the plant and the boxes of videos are ours. By the way, I made Tom pose for that picture. Not bad huh? After I took it he said,"Why did you do that?" I told him it was for the sake of the blog.
Seeing "stuff" go to DI makes me happy. I'm not sure why, but it does.
Oh yes, I love the DI truck too. which reminds me, I need to find one soon.
good job
mine is still in the car waiting for drop off! nothing like spring cleaning!!
I discovered that a trip to the temple can also be a trip to the DI truck as it is in the parking lot of the Stake Center. Love combining errands like that! Doesn't it feel great to give that
"still good" stuff away? You've learned from Jill to have Tom pose. Fondly, Susan
Hi there, Thanks for stopping by my Red Door and introducing yourself. I love comments, just like Jill does, so I'm always happy to have new people visit me. I need to go through my drawers and closets and do some serious donating myself!I'll be back to see what else you're up to. Nice to meet you!
Just to answer your question... I only wear flats, I only dream of high heals. L.O.L.
Good job on the donating. There isn't a DI in Georgia, but I donate to the clothing boxes at local stores, and to FISH (faith in serving humanity) I love the feeling donating gives me.. release the clutter and bless someone elses life!
Yay for donating. I have a bunch of stuff that we need to donate to the Salvation Army.
Yeay, for donating! Okay, so it feels good to give, but it's nice to know that you actually have a good cause for cleaning out closets...or is it just me? LOL! I do miss the D.I. from living in Utah...other thrift stores just aren't the same...
Oh, it's one of my favorite things to do!!! In fact, just a few weeks ago I told the kids that our family was going to lose 200 pounds in one weekend! "WHAT?!" was their reply. LOL Then I reassured them, it was not our own weight- it was 200 lbs of stuff to take to the DI, recycle, or trash. We even weighed it all! It worked out great and we even exceeded our goal! (That is a little embarrassing!) ha, ha
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