Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last Day of School

I know this is a little late, but.... better late than never. The last day of school was June 11th. That night Tom and I left for our cruise to Alaska. Those are coming. When we got home I got sick. I am just starting to feel better so those should come in a couple of days.
Here are two of my students from last year. They were very good students. They came and visited me throughout the year. They also helped me sometimes, which was great.

Towards the end of the day I had the kids who were left sit in their cubbies.

One of my former students. She graduated from the 5th grade and will be moving on to middle school. They all grow up too fast.

Another one of my former students. This kid was/is smart. He will be the next rocket scientist.

My classroom all packed up for the summer. See ya in August.


Susan said...

Hope you have a great summer. Though, it sounds like you already had a great start with the cruise.

Rachael said...

When are you going to tell us about your cruise? I want to see pictures too:)

Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

Was your cruise awesome? Can't wait to see your pictures! Now you have even more time to post them since school's done, right? :) Your students are all so cute!

Grandma Honey said...

That last picture looks so sad, with the classroom empty for the summer. Not sad for you however.
I'm sorry you came home with that flu! So strange all the flu going around this time of year.

Kris said...

Woohoo! School is out for the summer! Have a great one! I'd say a cruise is a fantastic way to start out! :)