We finally have our scanner hooked up thanks to Tony. I thought I would test it out with some real "blasts from the past" . Hope you enjoy them.

Me, David and Billy in about 1966. I think this was taken at our grandparents's house in Salt Lake. Don't you just love Karen's hair?

Billy, Me, and David with our two cousins, Stephanie(standing ) and Michelle. We are in front of our grandparents house in Salt Lake.

Ira (Dad), Nellie (Mom), Karen, David, Billy. This was in about 1978 just before David left on his mission to South Dakota.

David, Billy and I at Billy's graduation from Clovis High in 1983.
love the pichers
Love the grad photo. So cute, so happy!
Hey Karen, It was so great to see you and Tom and Daniel on Thanksgiving. These pictures are great. I have a scanner, but how do you get just the picture and not all the surrounding blank background? Fondly, Susan
Hurray for the scanner!!! Now I can see how much Davey looks like Billy...something I never knew before...and how much Dave looks like Brooke, but then I always thought she looked like him,, but now there's proof. I also see Lauren in you. Hope you show us more...
Hey this is really great! A link to the past. I love it.
Scanners are so handy. I'm glad you're able to use yours. I love the picture with everyone wearing cowboy hats. Reminds me of when I was little visiting my cowboy cousins.
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