**Five Fun Fascinating Facts About Mom**
1. She was in the July 1947 issue of the Children's Friend magazine.
2. She was baptized in the Salt Lake Tabernacle.
3. She is the same age as the San Francisco Bay Bridge.
4. She got her drivers licence in Okinawa.
5. She claims that she has never had a labor pain. She has given birth to 3 children.
Mom /Grandma Nellie is a wonderful lady. She has the best attitude of anyone I know. She is very wise about life. She has helped me a lot. She always thinks of others before herself. She is a great cook. She is the words greatest grandma. She has always wanted to be a grandma. When she was little and they played house, she was always the grandmother. She is a very strong woman. She is a breast cancer survivor of about 20 years!!!
So Happy Birthday Mom/Grandma Nellie. We love you and are so grateful to have you in our family.
Happy Birthday Nellie - you are the greatest! From your favorite son-in-law.
what a great mom - I've even met her! I hope she has a really great day.
Love the first picture especially.
Oh yes, there is only one Nellie and we all love her. She has done many things for me but my favorite was how she so cheerfully gave me shots when I was pregnant with Tyler.
thankyou for all your wonderful comments
and not telling all the bad stuff
yep, that's my grandma :)
love ya
My grandmother claimed the same thing -- no labor pains -- and she's given birth to 4 kids. I'm still not sure I believe her. :) Happy Birthday to your mom!
Karen, you did it again. You captured your mother perfectly. Great post!
Pictures on my blog are a little blury - is it just me? Usually everything is very clear...
Nice tribute. No labor pains is called "quiet labor". Must be nice - I wouldn't know.
Your mom really is such a wonderful lady. When we were there this past summer, I felt like I had known her forever. So sweet, kind and a very loving grandmother, too.
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