Here are some pictures from our ward Christmas party that was held on December 5
th. It was a really nice party. Good food, good company and great entertainment.

Tom got some of his friends together and put on a great show. Here is a group of people doing Pretty Paper. It is a Willie
Nelson song. They did a great job.

Here are Tom and
Ruffy singing and playing a song. Sorry I can't remember what it was. It might have been Silent Night.

Here is Tom playing The Holy City. It was really nice because the
audience was singing along with him. It is such a pretty song.

Here is a scene from the Primary. They did such a good job. We got to sing songs throughout the play.

Here is a picture of some of the decorations they had up. They were all so pretty.
Someone put lots of work into this party. That stage presentation looked quite elaborate!!
Karen, What a nice party! Jill was right--someone put it a lot of work. Very enjoyable post. Fondly, Susan
That is nice to know that Tom is the center of the party! Good job
Miss you guys! We have news -- Jeff's second counselor in the bishopric. Wish us luck!
Nothing quite like a ward Christmas party! It is always a highlight of our family's season each year! This one looks absolutely beautiful.
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