This Saturday morning stated like any other Saturday morning. Tom gets up before daylight and leaves the house to go golfing without me knowing. Anyway, when he came home he was carrying a little box. He said,"I have a treat for you." I looked in the box and found all these little bottles of mustard. There were about 63 of them. One of his golf buddies gave them to him.

I am excited that he brought these home. I love mustard like some women like chocolate. So now all of you know the whole story. I am weird. But I will be happy enjoying my mustard. Yum! Yum!
So what do you do with mustard, besides putting some on a sandwich perhaps? I like mustard too but it takes me months(?) to get through one jar.
You must have mustard covered nuts, mustard chips in your cookies and cakes, and a cup of hot mustard on a rainy day, right? You must REALLY like mustard if you can use 63 jars of it. I'm with Jill--it'd take a lifetime to use all that mustard! However, if that's what you like, that's what you like.
Fondly, Susan
I can confirm - Karen is a mustard freak.
BTW - the "jars" are very small - probably not even one ounce per jar. About enough to enjoy a couple of nice sized pretzels with.
PS - this is a woman who eats ice cream and pickles at the same time.
Haha! I thought they were full-size jars at first, too! Check the light switches for scale. Nice score :)
If I didn't know better I'd think you were related to Dave. Oh yeah, you are! In my now converted opinion mustard is far superior to catsup although salsa is a close rival.
Mustard is quite tasty. I use it on my sandwiches.
I LOVE mustard. Won't touch mayo with a 10-foot poll. My fave thing to do the day after Thanksgiving is to dip cold turkey into a pile of mustard. SO delish!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today..
I have this sudden and unexpected craving for a nice dijon.
Now I know why you fight over the mustard pickles I make for you.I like mustard too but only a little on my ham sandwiches.
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