Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ode To Getting Bifocals

You know how when you go get your eyes checked they always ask you better at one or two? Well, that is what I am asking you today. Better 1 or 2? Be nice on the first two. Thanks.Better 1

Or 2?Better 1 Or 2?

Better 1 Or 2?


Susan Rozier said...

Better 2 in every case! Clever idea. In this case the differences were quite noticible. In the actual eye exam, some times they both look okay and you can't make up your mind which one is best. In your scenario, the 2s got it!!!

Fondly, Susan

cindyrella said...

#1 IS OVERATED - kinda like natural hair color :-)
#2 looks great in every instance!

Grandma Honey said...

You are inspiring me with all your organization. Just this morning I went through my bathroom drawers and cupboards trying to make it look a little like that one bathroom drawer you showed us a few posts back.