Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Room At The Inn ???

**Disclaimer-- This was all done by choice. I am just trying to be funny.**
For Christmas, Tom, Daniel and I traveled to Clovis to spend Christmas with my mother and my brother and his family. They told us not to get a hotel(like we have in the past) and that we could sleep at their house. We thought that was very nice, so we took them up on it.
Daniel slept here in my mom's bed.
Tom slept here in my niece Brooke's room. Notice the towel, water and candy cane.
I slept here. This is a tent trailer that is parked in their garage. I slept out here with my 11 year old niece, McKenzie.


Laura Everyday Edits said...

that's hilarious! I have family in Clovis too! laura

Susan Anderson said...

No, you aren't trying to be funny. You ARE being funny!


Robin said...

Sleeping in that tent with Mac makes you "Super Aunt"!!!

Tina L. Hook said...

Aw. Well it was very nice of them to put up the tent.

Liz Mays said...

You got the room where you can goof around without getting in trouble!

cindyrella said...

super dooper aunt!!

Candace said...

She will remember that for the rest of her life and so will you! What a wonderful Auntie you are!

XmasDolly said...

Woo Hoo Pajama Party! Am I invited? Sounds like a fun time to me!! Love the Post. Thanks for stopping by too! Hope your Holidays were fun and many happy memories made.

Grandma Honey said...

I think you deserve AUNT of the year. No, make that FUN AUNT of the year!

Ashley said...

Fun times! Maybe I will join you guys next year.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love the photos, looks so well kept. Like a hotel! I know the room in the inn...

Juliana said...

This is awesome! I LOVE it:) Brought a big smile to my face!

wendy said...

That is funny. Kinda sounds like my place. When people come to visit,,and have to spend the night it is problematic. We have a small itty bitty house and only one bedroom which is a loft.
So we usually give the "company" our room....and we end up sleeping in the horse trailor (which has a sleeping compartment)

Susan said...

Too funny! I'm sure you had the most fun being out there with your niece.

Tami said...

A visit that you will never forget. Those are memories.

Wickless in Seattle said...

I'm a new follower and visitor from the blog hop. It's great to meet you. Feel free to stop by my blog for a visit anytime, http://WicklessinSeattle.blogspot.com. I look forward to keeping in touch.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Oh, I just LOOOVE that banner photo - maybe because it's midsummer down under in Australia, and even the coldest winter where I live would NEVER look like that!

Anonymous said...

Just found you via Friday blog hop - sorry it's taken so long to arrive on your lovely blog.

It's a good job there are several beds in your mother's house! And just want to say, your header photo is beautiful.

CJ xx

Shawn said...

You must have had a great time out there..it looks so comfy. I agree with the others..Your niece will never forget the special time she spent with her Aunt! That is what families are about..Making Memories.

New follower and I hope you have a great weekend,

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

You must be the favorite aunt. Love the towel, water and candy cane detail,lol.

I am stopping by and visiting from Java and I am your newest follower over 40.


dtbrents said...

I like your story and pictures. I guess you had to be there. Have a great week. Doylene

Larri said...

I have the exact same bedspread in the 1st photo! I showed my husband and he said, "Nice bedroom. I've seen that bed set somewhere before. Where have I seen it?" LOL

Visiting and following from the Over40 hop. Happy Friday! :o)

Doreen McGettigan said...

That was priceless!