This is one of the bands that Tom is in. They played the other night in downtown Vallejo. It was wonderful. They did an awesome job. However, they ran out of time and Tom wasn't able to play his solo part that he had. (sad face) He has been doing really well on his trumpet. He is excited because our granddaughter, Elise, has started playing the trumpet. They are going to play together at the family reunion in September.Here is the song that he was suppose to have the solo on. Enjoy.
6 years ago
Too bad he didn't get to sing his solo.
Okay, I thought Daniel was your only child. YOu have a grandchild....?????
Is it hot in your neck of the woods.......sure is here.
Have a good summer. School will start soon enough.
I hope you plan on recording Elise and Tom playing together because I'd love to see that.
I think it is wonderful that they can do that together. Make sure you save that recording. It is one of those priceless moments.
Shoot! Sorry he missed his solo. Hopefully he'll get a chance next time.
How frustrating that he didn't get to play his solo! your new blog look.
Hope your weekend was good.
My granddaughter wants Pop Pop to learn the saxophone. I love music, but that would be like starting a new career to me. Anyway, let us know how the reunion goes.
My mother-in-law is still playing the trumpet (in her 70s!) in orchestra and in band. I think it's helped to keep her sharp and active.
Bummer! SO sweet that he and your granddaughter share that interest.
How wonderful that he gets to play with your granddaughter like that! What a special time that will be for them!
Dang, too bad he didn't get to do his solo.
Hi, thanks for stopping by Simple-Homemaking! My son is in our local community band he plays percussion, sorry about the solo:( . Didn't realize how close we actually were...we are probably just a little over and hour away...funny how in this big wide world of blogging fellow N.CA bloggers meet. I look forward to spending more time here. :)
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