Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When The Cat's Away.......

Well, Tom and Tony are leaving tomorrow for a family reunion in Idaho. (Rachael and Mary are meeting them there.) So while they are gone...... I am going to have my own party. My mom and my niece, McKenzie are coming to see me. We should have fun.

I will post pictures because I know McKenzie will take a lot. I am sending my video camera with Tony to take the video of Tom playing the trumpet with granddaughter Elise and I think Mary and Rachael are going to be singing and playing the piano for them. Should be wonderful.

Hopefully we will have some great things to post next week. Hope all of you will have a great Labor Day Weekend.


Breathing In Grace said...

HOPE you have a great weekend with "the girls"!!!

The Bipolar Diva said...

you're going to have so much fun!

Liz Mays said...

I hope you have a wonderful time! I know you will!

Susan Rozier said...

Looks like fun times are afoot! Enjoy! Fondly, Susan

Susan Anderson said...

Have a great time, Karen!


Grandma Honey said...

I hope McKenzie remembers to bring her camera!